Dwight Vega, RRT - Respiratory Therapist

Michael EllnerAlternative Two is a holistic wellness center located in Lyndhurst, NJ, that specializes in Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy.

Alternative Two was founded in 2003 by Dwight Vega, RRT. As a registered respiratory therapist, Dwight understands the importance of oxygen and the power oxygen has in healing. He is an educator as well as an advocate of hyperbaric oxygen therapy. His goal is to educate people and the medical establishment on the tremendous importance of hyperbaric oxygen in helping improve patients’ health and well being.

Dwight’s vision was to find a unique way of treating and alleviating dis-ease. Instead of addressing the symptoms, as most of today’s traditional practices do, Mr. Vega felt that we should address the cause of the dis-ease. Through his studies, he found that all dis-eases have one thing in common – the internal environment of the body that dis-ease needs to exist or manifest. He concluded, if we can change the conditions that dis-ease needs to survive, what would happen to dis-ease?

The human body is remarkable. It was designed to heal itself, but only if conditions are favorable for it to do so.

For more information about Alternative Two, please visit www.alternative-two.com
For hyperbaric chamber sales go to www.alt2hyperbarics.com