Dr. Richard Linchitz
Richard Linchitz has dedicated his entire life to the study and practice
of Mind-Body Fitness.
He is a Medical Doctor who is board certified by the American Board of Pain Medicine, the American Board of Clinical Metal Toxicology, as well as the American Board of Psychiatry and Neurology.
He’s a member of the American Academy of Anti–Aging Medicine, the International College of Integrative Medicine and the International College of Oxidative Medicine.
He’s the recipient of several Physicians Recognition Awards by the AMA.
He has been a long-term bodybuilder, tri-athlete, and more recently, Yoga student. He also has extensively studied herbal and other natural nutritional approaches to health.
He began studying Eastern Philosophy and Meditation almost thirty years ago, and to this day follows a daily Mind-Body Fitness regimen.
He fought back from a rare hereditary cancer and severe back injury using the same natural adjunctive approaches that he describes and teaches to his patients.
Hospital Affiliations
Clinic Affiliations
Type of Practice
Currently practicing integrative medicine with an emphasis on lifestyle management, focusing on improving patients’ health through diet, supplements, proper regimens of exercise and rest, and stress management. Additionally, we use modern techniques of uncovering and treating evidence of toxicity in the body which can interfere with our maximum potential for health.
You can reach Dr. Linchitz at 516-759-4200