$ $ Metropolitan Wellness - Luanne Pennesi RN MS Wellness and Health

Insulin Potentiation Therapy

What is IPT?
Insulin Potentiation Therapy (IPT) is a simple medical protocol in which a practitioner administers the hormone, insulin, followed by glucose, along with chemotherapy drugs.

What is insulin?
Insulin is a hormone secreted by the pancreas to manage the delivery of glucose across cell membranes into cells. Every cell in the body has insulin receptors.

What does IPT do?
The purpose of IPT is to make lower doses of drugs work better with less toxicity. It directs cell-killing drugs more specifically and effectively into the cancer cells only, allowing drastically reduced doses of the drugs to kill malignant cells and shrink tumors without surgery, radiation or harm to normal tissues.

How does IPT work?
Research and clinical trials are needed to show the exact mechanisms behind IPT, but scientists theorize that it makes cell membranes, as well as the blood-brain barrier, more permeable and increases the uptake of drugs into cells. IPT may also alter blood chemistry and immune function in a way that supports health.

How does IPT help drugs target and destroy cancer cells?
IPT selectively delivers anti-cancer drugs to malignant cells and makes them more susceptible to those drugs. It allows smaller doses of chemotherapeutic agents to single out and destroy cancer cells.

IPT is based on two properties of cancer cells:

  1. Cancer cells require huge amounts of glucose as fuel and they secrete their own insulin to process the glucose. Furthermore, they have ten times more insulin receptors than normal cells. This abundance of insulin receptors differentiates malignant from normal cells and causes the administered insulin to attach to cancer cells at a greater rate. This suggests that when combined with anti-cancer drugs, the insulin can draw the drugs into cancerous cells.

  2. Cancer cells also secrete a protein called insulin-like growth-factor (ILGF), which stimulates cell division and growth. They have ten times the usual number of ILGF receptors on their membranes. Insulin affects these receptors by spurring the cells to divide rapidly. This may sound harmful, but it is actually beneficial because anti-cancer drugs target and kill rapidly-dividing cells.

IPT is multifunctional: Scientists theorize that IPT may stimulate diverse insulin-related mechanisms, like detoxification, immune function and angiogenesis and there are reports that, in addition to cancer, IPT can be used to treat such diverse conditions as arthritis, infectious diseases (like herpes, hepatitis C & AIDS), as well as cardiovascular, respiratory, and neurological diseases.